Golden Gate Concourse Fountain Design and Restoration
San Francisco, CA

This project was to restore four historical fountains built in the 1950's, including the Rideout Fountain, the Page Fountains and the Phoebe Hearst Fountain, in the Music Concourse of the Golden Gate Part. Most of the design features do not meet current standards, such as water circulation and treatment. Also, the fountains had cease functioning after 2004. The major components of the fountains have been stolen and vandalized. Our goal was to bring the spectacle back to these fountains and make the operation of the fountain up-to-date and “Green”.

Our work includes bringing the utility services back to the fountain, replacing all mechanical and control systems, providing required water treatment equipment, restoring the cast stone fountain perimeter as well as the center piece, and designing measures to prevent skateboarding in the fountain vicinity.

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