RFP - Military Working Dog Facility
Travis Air Force Base, CA

Joseph Chow & Associates was commissioned by Department of Defense, Navy to develop a design concept for a new Military Working Dog (MWD) Facility. This concept would be the basis for a Design-Build RFP proposal. The existing military dog facility failed numerous veterinarian inspections for drainage/standing water problems and building code violations. The construction type was outdated and therefore trapped water and allowed mold to grow, jeopardizing the health of the military working dogs. The existing facility is a condition code 2 facility which is barely inhabitable.

The scope of work included the construction of a 22,500 square foot obedience and training course and a maximum 3,336 square ft Dog Kennel and Administrative Facility with supporting spaces. Supporting facilities include utilities, parking and sidewalks, communications, fencing, walkway, site work, and landscaping.

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